IDA Mavelikkara


 Dr.Mathew G .Varghese.
Dear Colleagues ,
   The Dentist Day is celebrated on March 6th every year.
Various dental programmes ,seminars and workshops are conducted to raise awareness about dental health through Indian Dental Association ,all over the country.
         We ,as dentist  of the PRESENT should strive hard to brush up the knowledge and experiences  gained from the PAST to carve out a bright and beaming smile on the   face oftheFUTURE.                                                                                                                                                                                          On behalf of IDA mavelikkara branch I wish all the dentists and proud readers
THE PULP e-journal of of IDA Mavelikkara A HAPPY DENTIST DAY
                                      Dr.Mathew G .Varghese.
                                              President,IDA Mavelikkara

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